Julie (Jules) McClain
Jules, originally from Scotland, is a Family Lawyer based in Queenstown, New Zealand. She is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective legal support to families navigating challenging situations. With specialised training in Collaborative Law, she aims to help families navigate sensitive legal matters with empathy and respect and tries to foster amicable resolutions while guiding families through challenges. By prioritising open communication and shared solutions, the goal is to help families find peaceful resolutions to their challenges while preserving relationships.
Key attributes:
Collaborative Law Advocate: Trained in collaborative dispute resolution techniques, she believes in fostering respectful dialogue and mutual understanding to achieve favourable outcomes for families.
Empathetic Approach: She understands the emotional complexities involved in family matters and approaches each case with empathy, helping clients make informed decisions in a supportive environment.
Client-Centric Focus: Her practice is centred around the unique needs and goals of each client. She works diligently to create tailored strategies that address their specific circumstances.
Collaborative Resolution: She is committed to guiding families through the Collaborative Law process, facilitating productive discussions and negotiated agreements that empower all parties.
By combining her legal background with a collaborative mindset, she is dedicated to achieving outcomes that preserve relationships, minimise stress, and pave the way for a brighter future for the families involved.
As the current Chair of Collaborative Resolution New Zealand, Jules has demonstrated strong leadership and strategic vision. By working together, the committee has flourished into a dynamic platform for fostering collaboration and dialogue within the collaborative law arena in New Zealand. The ability to bring together diverse perspectives, drive meaningful discussions, and implement actionable strategies has resulted in significant positive outcomes for the committee's initiatives. Jules looks forward to growing Collaborative practice in New Zealand.
(09) 551 6120